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3 Cycling Essentials You Should Never be Without

cycling on toronto island

You probably thought I was going to list cycling essential tools like a pump or tire irons to change a flat, a helmet to keep me safe, or maybe gloves to prevent blisters. While those are definitely nice to have, and I have occasionally gone on a long trip with all of them – they are not the three things that I never leave home without. Continue reading 3 Cycling Essentials You Should Never be Without

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The sun glinted on its shiny surface as I walked on the lake-shore path this morning. It was a clear-plastic Starbucks-type cup sitting on the rocks. It was half-filled with a rose-coloured liquid, . Maybe an iced tea? But the problem was the drinker was nowhere to be seen. It was garbage – left behind. Last week, it was four Tim Horton coffee cups strewn across the parking lot. And a few days before it was an empty bottle from “spring water” left on the walking path. Continue reading Garbage!

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Expand Your Home – Create an Outdoor Living Space

Spring is finally in the air! Coming out of hibernation from a cold and icy winter, my thoughts are on spending more time in the backyard again. If yours are too – then check out these ideas for making your outdoor living space more usable this year. Continue reading Expand Your Home – Create an Outdoor Living Space

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Giving Children Independence

Children learn how to make decisions and develop their own good judgement when you give them the freedom and independence to do so. Letting go of the reins to let them do this – while keeping them in a safe environment – is always a challenge for parents and grandparents.

We want them to learn about the world on their own and to handle awkward or challenging situations. We also want them to be safe and to feel protected. How do we balance these two needs?

Continue reading Giving Children Independence

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The Zen of Gardening

April showers bring May flowers! It’s raining today which means I am inside catching up with indoor work and grateful that I was able to garden on the weekend.

While gardens are beautiful to look at, good for the soul, and a benefit to our environment – they also are work! And  before we start to see results in May and  the rest of the summer season, plenty of effort is required. Continue reading The Zen of Gardening

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It was a brilliant sunny day. Perfect for skating at Jarry Park. I watched my son-in-law skate circles around my grand-daughter. Then we persuaded her to do figure eights around the two of us. The fact that they both could skate so well encouraged me to try harder. After an hour going round the lake, I was quite pleased with my progress. Perhaps a bit too confident. Continue reading Over-Confident