As the snow melts – dribbling down the snow banks like an ice-cream dripping down a cone on a hot sunny day – spring cleaning is on my mind. And as I think of sunny days, I realize that I will be spending more of my time outdoors – in the garden and playing with the grandchildren on the trampoline. So whatever doesn’t get cleaned and sorted by May will probably wait another six months. Continue reading The Joys of Spring Cleaning
Tag: zen
Free Art Tours for Seniors (Montreal)
Being an art lover at 65 means that you can enjoy FREE admission to all of the collections at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts on Thursdays, all year-round. You can enjoy free art tours in the morning, and you can also participate in a series of art workshops designed especially for seniors in the afternoon. Continue reading Free Art Tours for Seniors (Montreal)
Expand Your Home – Create an Outdoor Living Space
Spring is finally in the air! Coming out of hibernation from a cold and icy winter, my thoughts are on spending more time in the backyard again. If yours are too – then check out these ideas for making your outdoor living space more usable this year. Continue reading Expand Your Home – Create an Outdoor Living Space
4 Reasons Why I Sleep Better
Wouldn’t we all love to have better and more sleep?
I know so many people who suffer from some type of insomnia these days. Some who cannot fall asleep. Others who wake up in the middle of night and lay awake for hours – falling asleep again shortly before the alarm goes off . And a third group who wake at the crack of dawn – too early to rise – but they cannot get back to sleep.
Need for Change – The Answer is Within
…when we are ready to make a change in our lives. We need to listen to our own wisdom – rather than that of others. We will know when it is the right time to act. After all, we are the ones that must live with the consequences.
Recently while I was telling a friend about my solo backpacking trip to Ireland, she asked: “What advice do you have for a gal who is also making her way through this world? I have some changes and work to do on myself, and as yet have not taken the steps that I need to.”
Firstly, I told her that advice should be listened to – but not necessarily followed. Nonetheless, I am a person who always has advice to give. And what follows is my counsel…
The Zen of Travel
I left for Ireland wearing my new T-shirt with “Live for the Moment” emblazoned across the front. It was the perfect message for how I travel. Continue reading The Zen of Travel
The Zen of Gardening
April showers bring May flowers! It’s raining today which means I am inside catching up with indoor work and grateful that I was able to garden on the weekend.
While gardens are beautiful to look at, good for the soul, and a benefit to our environment – they also are work! And before we start to see results in May and the rest of the summer season, plenty of effort is required. Continue reading The Zen of Gardening
5 Reasons Why I Love Yoga

There are five primary reasons that I love going to yoga class as part of my weekly fitness regime… Continue reading 5 Reasons Why I Love Yoga
Defining Zen
What is Zen? Is it a state of mind? Can we aspire to achieve it? Do we need a teacher? Continue reading Defining Zen
Karma Kreatives
Welcome to Karma Kreatives
Karma Kreatives (KK) is a blog for your kreative spirit. and a place to shop online for a variety of products, selected to bring you joy, make you feel good about yourself and the world you live in, and perhaps also bring you good karma!
Karma Kreatives is also where Judi Bachmann shares her own personal karma, including her writing, art and photography. Continue reading Karma Kreatives